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The Sokil Foundation

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We are privileged to have a wide array of personalities that come together each day to bring

Our Purpose of Taking Care of People 

to life within our restaurants. It is a fast-paced, high-stress industry and in spite of this, we have managed to consistently boast one of the lowest turnover rates in the industry. This has been through building and maintaining a culture that welcomes, supports and celebrates Team Members for their achievements both inside and outside of our business. It has been this particular seed of care that has spawned so much inclusion and connection among such a diverse and remarkable Team that continues to blossom and Take Care of People both inside and outside of our restaurants.

Rob Sokil Scholarship

In honour of the great man that Rob Sokil was and his continuous compassionate care for people, this scholarship aims to keep his legacy alive by recognizing and supporting the many students we have grinding each day to balance the juggling act of school and working in our industry. Rob always gave from his heart to those who were unsuspecting and worthy.

Impact Initiative Grant

The Impact Initiative Grant was born out of the desire to support our team members in pursuing their projects, ideas, or adventures that will make a difference. It is important to us that we invest in our people in their endeavours inside the buildings as well as out. It is our goal through the Impact Initiative to show our teams that their ventures outside our walls are equally as important and that we want to invest in their potentially life changing ambitions.

A Tribute to Rob

People Make the World Beautiful: A shared view that all of us at RTHG carry about the world. It fuels our passion in the industry and motivates us to do our very best to value each person's time when they are in our restaurants, as we as to collectively work together to overcome any of the obstacles that may come our way both inside and outside the industry.

It is a view that has been prepared with the ingredients of the finest sort, the personalities of all the amazing Team Members and Guests that bring our business and vision to life with their kindness, humor, and love of connection. This amazing assortment of people has been what lights up this beautiful view. One of the amazing personalities who was instrumental in the construction of this outlook was our amazing friend and long time regular Rob Sokil.

Rob was a self contributor to many causes during his time on earth, sitting alongside Franworks as the title sponsor for our annual fundraiser 'Run for the Lung' which serves as one of the largest contributors to Cystic Fibrosis in Canada.

In addition to this outstanding contribution, perhaps one of the most remarkable marks he left on this earth was his unrelenting kind. His unyielding approach to giving, through any means possible (monetary, humor, and kindness), undoubtedly shaped so much of the culture that has rippled through our entire organization.

It is in large thanks to his remarkable approach to giving, that the phrase in our organization "People Make the World Beautiful" exists. Rob and his commitment for unrelenting contribution and support to everyone around him, shone light on how beautiful people really are. His friendship and his amazing perspective will always live on as it has been woven into the fabric of our culture that continues to send waves of thoughtful care throughout our community.

Congratulations to Our Amazing Winners!


2023 Scholarship Winners

Alvin Angeles Original Joe's Lloydminster


Arielle Knecht Original Joe's Ellerslie 

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